Too young to die – a forerunners story, from Bali to the world.

For this recording we had a very special guest in our studio, because he is the youngest in the two years history of Forerunners Network: The 14 years old Adrian Lutz.

And how often, the acquaintance happened by chance, when I met his mother Gloria Lutz after a break of 15 years in the Danube floodplains near Vienna, after she has left Austria long times ago for the USA& Bali.

Adrian showed me a project, that he has made as a challenge during his stay @ the Green School in Bali. I was so impressed, because the challenge, that Adrian and his mates were doing, was much more than theory –  most of the projects came to real life in the society of Bali.

Listen to Adrian in our Podcast:

Adrians project was a very tough one – an issue, you would not trust to such a young person – but Adrian did it – and he did it good:

Could you imagine, that a young pupil could reform a suicide hotline with the help of Chat GPT? Those were our issues in the talk:

  • The green school in Bali
  • Quest: Tell us about the challenge& the goals
  • A deep dive into the project
  • The helpline & the realization
  • Questions& issues after the project
  • Is sustainability an expression, which has a permanent worth for Adrian?
  • What did Adrian take home to Florida from his stay in Bali?
  • Adrians dream of his professional future

Link to the Green School in Bali, South Africa& New Zealand

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